Discover Responsible AI
A Learning Tool & Student Blog For Responsible & Human-Centric AI

About the Website
Welcome to Discover Responsible AI, a platform dedicated to exploring and understanding responsible artificial intelligence. In a world where AI is increasingly affecting our everyday lives, the need for ethical guidance and informed decision-making has never been more critical. Our mission is to simplify the complex world of AI ethics and make it accessible to everyone, from students and enthusiasts to professionals in the field.
At the heart of Discover Responsible AI is our interactive learning section. Here we offer a variety of engaging tools, including quizzes and interactive scenarios, designed to immerse you into the world of AI ethics. These tools are not just educational but also practical, as they allow you to apply ethical principles to hypothetical AI situations and thought experiments. This approach is designed to enhance your ethical thinking and decision-making skills in real-world AI applications.
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Beyond Interactive Learning, our blog serves as a hub for discussing current real-world issues in AI. It's a space where we delve into the latest developments, share opinions, and invite expert opinions. Through this blog, we aim to keep you informed and create meaningful reflections around the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.
About Me.
Hello and welcome! I'm Eigard, a Computer Science Engineering student at TU Delft, currently working as an assistant in the Intelligent Systems department. My journey into the world of AI has been as challenging as it has been fascinating. During my academic journey, I found myself frequently reflecting on the ethical dimensions of AI and technology. This curiosity and reflection led me to create something unique - this platform.
My experience ranges from professional work with Computer Vision, where I tackled the complexities of anonymization and privacy, to exploring the field of metalearning in my research. My core values are rooted in the belief that technology should be developed with a strong ethical consideration, prioritizing transparency, fairness, and respect for privacy.
The idea for this site came as I found myself pondering various ethical dilemmas and 'what-if' scenarios during my studies. I realized that these weren't just theoretical exercises but important considerations for anyone working in AI. Thus, I started creating interactive games and scenarios, hoping to translate these complex ethical discussions into an engaging and accessible format.
My vision is to grow an online community where like-minded individuals - students, professionals, or anyone interested in AI - can come together to learn, share, and discuss. We learn better together, and through this platform, I aim to provide a space for exploration, dialogue and collaborative learning.
Your thoughts, insights, and participation are not just welcome, but essential in making this journey enriching and impactful.

Delft, Netherlands